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Draeger PP10/15 Minute EEBD

Draeger has built its reputation upon supplying technically advancedproducts that are of the highest quality. In fact, the name Draeger issynonymous with safety.The Saver range of Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus adopts theseprinciples to give you complete peace of mind. This means that if andwhen you need it, you’ll be guaranteed that the Saver PP will carry outits task effectively and efficiently. Above all, it will provide the wearerwith the utmost in respiratory protection.The Saver PP has evolved through a combination of technical refinementand customer consultation. A positive pressure Emergency EscapeBreathing Apparatus has been developed using leading edge technology.Essentially, it’s been designed to provide safe and unhampered escapefrom hazardous environments where breathinghas become difficult or endangered.Fully approvedThe Draeger Saver PP provides breathing air for 10or 15 minutes, according to cylinder size and is fullyapproved to EN402.Low cost of ownershipNo mandatory routine service is required for a periodof 10 years.Compact designThe Saver PP is extremely compact in designproviding greater freedom of movement.Model SaverPP