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Draeger CF10/15 Minute EEBD

The Dräger Saver range of Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus has beendesigned using the latest technologies available whilst still bearing in mind ourthree leading principles; reliability, quality and ease of use. The Dräger Saver CF constant flowemergency escape breathing apparatusallows safe, effective and uncomplicatedescape from hazardous environments withthe minimum of user training.Developed with the user in mind the DrägerSaver CF can be used by anyone in anemergency escape situation, especiallydesigned to be as easy to don as ispossible, regardless of face shape or sizeand is suitable for users with glasses orfacial hair. The Dräger Saver CF is extremely compactin design providing greater freedom ofmovement and ease of storage.Designed to be quick and simple to usemaking escape as uncomplicated impossible. The easy to don flame retardant hoodincorporates a wide visor for enhancedperipheral vision. The natural rubber neckseal is ozone resistant ensuring high levelsof protection, and long life, even afterstorage. The unit is automatically activated onopening the carrying bag and can be simplyre-set in the event of false alarm. To ensure the unit is working as you need itwhen you need it, regular checks arerecommended. The cylinder contents gaugeis clearly visible without any dismantling oradjustments to the unit due to a transparentviewing window located on the side of thebag. This allows for quick and simplecylinder contents inspection. During an escape situation a warningwhistle sounds when the unit is nearing theend of its air supply, this is to help ensurethe user knows when they need to be in asafe breathing environment.